
14 Dec 2018
A workshop in Madagascar lays the foundations for the future digital campus in life sciences
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On December 10 and 11, Philippe Prévost, senior digital officer at Agreenium, led a co-design workshop on a digital campus project in life sciences in Madagascar.

This project is being carried out by the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences (University of Tananarivo), in partnership with the regional delegation in the Indian Ocean of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF), based in Madagascar.

The workshop was attended by some 20 participants, representing the University of Tananarivo, the Malagasy Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock, and Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Indian Ocean Professional Agricultural Education Network, agricultural and agri-food development professionals, CIRAD, Ird, and Auf.

This workshop was organized as part of the international digital campus network project in life sciences led by Agreenium and supported by AUF. The project presented at the meeting of ministers of higher education of the French-speaking world on 20 June 2018 in Marrakech, was awarded the IDNEUF label, "Initiative pour le développement du numérique dans l'espace universitaire francophone".

The construction of this future digital campus is also based on the Hill project, coordinated by Gilles Trystram (AgroParisTech), which develops the concept of third places combining learning-lab, fab-lab and social-lab.

The next workshops will take place in Tunisia and Morocco in the first quarter of 2019.

Learn more about the international network of digital campuses

Learn more about the Hill project


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