-Provide new shared digital tools and services, in research and training, in order to develop the use of digital tools; strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in the use of digital tools.
- Appropriation of new uses and modes of analysis of massive data based on existing training in the Agreenium network of institutions (data science, use of heterogeneous resources).
- Capacity-building of teachers to ensure the wide dissemination of information needed for decision-making on food and nutrition security and agro-climatic security.
- Improving data collection and management practice: analysis of existing data within the CRA; examination of new uses and methods of data analysis among Agreenium members; adaptation of data collection, management and enhancement practices within the CRA
- The evolution of training practices Analysis of training needs and research-training links Feasibility study for a digital campus of the CNEUF type Adaptation of training to new skills needs for data management and valorisation
Lead institution, recipient of funds
Project manager for Agreenium