UMR 1287 - Ecophysiology and Grape Functional Genomics (EGFV)

The EGFV Joint Research Unit gathers a wide range of interdisciplinary skills, from ecophysiology to molecular physiology, through biochemistry and genetics, in order to study the functioning of grapevine and the factors determining the quality of grape berries.
The EGFV UMR organises its research around two main scientific axes: graft/graft carrier interactions and berry quality:
• Analysis and modelling of rootstock/graft interactions. Application to the study of the effects of the rootstock on the adaptation to water stress of the vine.
• Study and modelling of bay quality in relation to climate change.

Keywords : interactions between rootstock - graft - environment, drought resistance, clonal variability, genetic resources, soil-vine interactions, effect of climate change on viticulture, spatial modelling of climate at different scales, phenology modelling, water regime of the vine, effect of nitrogen nutrition and water regime on grape and wine aromas

Key figures :

The EGFV UMR is composed of 46 permanent staff (researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians) and 20 PhD students and post-docs fellows.

Doctoral school(s)
DS 154 - Life and Health Sciences
Co-accredited institutions : Université de Bordeaux