UMR_C 5174 - Evolution and Biological Diversity (EDB)

The Evolution and Biological Diversity laboratory aims at understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes that generate and maintain the biological diversity of individuals, populations and communities.
By focusing on the interactions between organisms, the laboratory’s objectives are to:
• Evaluate and characterize biodiversity,
• Study the mechanism of change in biodiversity,
• Evaluate the role of selection in populations and speciation (speciation is the evolutionary process by which new species arise).

The different approaches include statistical and mathematical ecology, molecular evolution, evolution of long-lasting interactions, behavioral ecology or evolution complex quantitative traits. The research teams use both theoretical and molecular tools in connection with data gathered through observation and field testing. Nowadays, biodiversity represents a major scientific, societal, economic and political issue. 

Doctoral school(s)
DS 458 - Ecological, veterinary, agronomic and bioengineering sciences
Co-accredited institutions : Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), INSA Toulouse