UMR 1392 - Institute of ecology and environmental sciences - Paris (IEES Paris)

The general objectives of the unit are as follows:
• Analysing and modelling the structure, functioning and evolution of ecological systems for predictive ecology and environmental sciences.
• Contributing to innovation in sustainable management of biodiversity, ecosystems and biological resources and to development of global change adaptation strategies
• Educating on recent advances in ecology, environmental sciences and ecological engineering.

IEES Paris has a wide range of expertise in virtually all areas of ecology, from population dynamics to ecosystem ecology, through the processes of adaptation, microbial ecology and ecology of social organisms. It is also one of the first French poles in science of soil and water, particularly recognized for its expertise on biogeochemical cycles, physics and soil biology, the dynamics of watersheds. Last, it develops very original works in sensory ecology, focused on environmental physiology, neurophysiology and genomics of insect olfaction in the context of global changes.

IEES Paris uses a variety of methods : mathematics, statistics, long-term observations, field experiments, experiments in controlled conditions, isotopic chemistry, molecular biology. The modelling of ecological systems at various scales of time and space is performed in all teams as a tool for synthesis and concept development, and a tool for the prediction of environment evolution.

Key figures :

IEES Paris gathers about 210 people, including 153 researchers, teachers, technicians, engineers and administrative staff, organized into 14 research teams and 4 scientific departments

Doctoral school(s)
DS 227 - Natural and Human Sciences
Co-accredited institutions : Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, UPMC