USC 1432 - Legumes, Crop Ecophysiology, Agroecology (LEVA)

With a strong background in agronomy, plant ecophysiology, soil biology and statistics, the multi-disciplinary team develops research questions in the field of agro-ecology. In a context of climate change and ecological intensification, LEVA is interested in the management of innovative and productive cropping systems, in particular to improve nitrogen autonomy and reduce dependence on herbicides.

Keywords : Field crops and seed crops with high added value (carrot – fescue, etc.), All types of agriculture (conventional – organic, nitrogen rhizodeposition, legume association

Key figures :

LEVA is developing a soil biological activity indicator, the LEVAbag. In particular, it is a means of diagnosing the ability of organic matter to degrade in agricultural soils.

Doctoral school(s)
DS 600 - Ecology, geosciences, agronomy, food
Co-accredited institutions : L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, Oniris, Université d'Angers, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Université de Nantes, Université Rennes 1