UMR_C 6590 - Space and societies (ESO)

The unit brings together mainly geographers and planners but also researchers from other disciplines (sociology, environmental psychology, architecture and urban planning). The scientific objective is to contribute to the understanding of the spatial dimension of societies.
4 research axes:
• Productions, differentiations and sharing of space
• Practices, experiences and representations of space
• The spatial construction of political action: between ordinary and institutional
• Theories - interdisciplinarity - methods

Keywords : Public space, Cities, Urbanization, Campaigns, Rurality, Individual and collective practices and behaviours, Social and spatial mobility, Gender, Sexuality, Research-action

Key figures :

The UMR ESO brings together 120 researchers and teacher-researchers and around 100 PhD students.

Doctoral school(s)
DS 604 - Societies, times, territories
Co-accredited institutions : Université Bretagne Loire, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Université de Bretagne Sud, Université Rennes 1, Université Rennes 2, Université de Nantes, Université d'Angers, Le Mans Université