Training modules and courses

Initial and on-going distance learning method If you are unable to attend courses on college sites, we are reaching out to you to satisfy your wish to acquire new knowledge and new skills.
Agreenium displays all distance learning opportunities offered by its members so that you can make an informed choice of a French agrobioscience course.
Our distance learning opportunities are being expanded and enriched. They stand out from MOOC by their broader nature and the more traditional support of our lecturers, even in a distance learning method. Some training courses can be accessed directly from our platform and others require you to register with the member managing the course.
Training modules and courses
Training modules

This training module has been designed by MNHN, UVED, University of Reunion Island and CIRAD in the framework of Virtual University in Agroecology. It is offered online by UVED and Agreenium. It is based on recent scientific papers on biological invasions in a changing context, from the globalization of transport to degraded habitats.

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Training courses

Bioprocess Engineering Online is a brand new training programme from ENSAIA "Génie des Bioprocédés" Team (Chemical Engineering Laboratory). It is taught online and in english.

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