Bringing together French expertise in training and research for agriculture, food, the environment and global health at the best international level, this is the ambition of the creation of the Agreenium Alliance on January 1 2021.
Coming from the IAVFF-Agreenium (the agronomic, veterinary and forestry institute of France), it brings together, on a voluntary basis, most of the public higher education establishments and research organizations placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for agriculture : AgroParisTech, AgroSup Dijon, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ENVT, INRAE, Institut Agro, Oniris, Vet AgroSup, joined by Cirad, Toulouse INP-ENSAT, ENSAIA and ENSTIB.
Supported by the ministries in charge of agriculture, food, higher education and research, this new form of organization, supported by a coordination unit hosted by INRAE, will make it possible to continue the action of the Agreenium collective. in a more agile and more efficient form.
The ambition is to implement projects under the Agreenium brand and to amplify collaboration through the implementation of new actions. The Alliance members decide to pool the necessary resources for the following four missions:
Lead a community of interest to organize a shared analysis and bring out concrete projects,
Improve the visibility of higher education and research systems,
Create a platform for structuring and ambitious projects, particularly for digital and international,
Ensure the inter-establishment animation of doctoral training.