
As food and nutritional security feature high on the list of global issues, solutions (design, production) must be pictured and food and diet rethought for the well-being and the health of individuals and populations.
5% of world exports of agri-food products are French
5 %

of world exports of agri-food products are French

33 %

of foods intended for human consumption worldwide is lost the length of the food chain

10 bn

people in the world in 2050 

The global issue

Ensure food and nutritional security for the world population whilst maintaining the balance of the planet. Access to food is a real challenge as nearly one billion people remain under-fed despite the planet producing enough for everyone. A response will have to be found to the expected increase in the world population during the century.

Beyond the problems of quantity, food quality is a major issue in terms of health. This involves combating malnutrition in the southern countries as well as diseases of abundance (obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancer). 

The three-pronged approach of training-research-innovation must help to improve the technologies and methods of organizing food sectors and also propose alternatives that meet the objectives of sustainable development, especially with a view to saving energy and materials. 

In addition, the sustainability of food systems must take account of the change in lifestyles from urbanisation: 54% of the world population live in urban areas, a proportion expected to rise to 66% in 2050 (World Urbanisation Prospects, UN, edition 2014).  

Training courses
