Étudier en France : comprendre le système éducatif français et ses modalités
The full range of training courses is part of the European LMD organisation diagram shown opposite.
All courses are open to foreign students. The pre-requirements and recruitment procedures depend on the training courses. Agreenium members offer 25 training courses taught in English, Programs taught in english.
Apart from the registration fees for the training, which can be highly variable from one training course to another, different expenses must be taken into account:
student health care
Food There are university restaurants with very attractive prices. All student card holders have access to these restaurants.
telecommunications expenses, public transportation card,...
It is recommended to plan at least 900 € per month to cover these expenses.
There are several scholarship schemes for foreign students wishing to come and study in France.
Depending on your country of origin and the proposed course of study, the application procedures, selection criteria and the method of awarding scholarships vary according to the donors or exchange programmes.
In addition, there is funding from Embassies and Ministries of Higher Education in your respective countries (most often between December and March of the academic year).
Some examples of financing:
scholarships linked to specific countries of origin: visit Campus France website
On the Campus France website, you will find a lot of useful information on:
obtaining a visa and administrative procedures
the French health system
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