
Discover Agreenium's and its members' international actions

Agreenium conducts innovative and ambitious collective projects that rely on pooled resources to implement concrete actions with positive operational fallout.
Interactive map
This map shows the establishment of Agreenium members in France, the network of Agreenium's international representatives worldwide, the locations of joint projects carried out and the number of international agreements concluded by Agreenium members.


Agreenium relies on its network of representatives made available by its members, mainly CIRAD regional directors and joint CIRAD-INRA representatives. 

In addition to promoting the French system in the field of loife sciences at the international level, Agreenium's representatives carry out local monitoring and identification of partnership or financial opportunities for all members and support the construction of bilateral or multilateral partnerships. 

All 18 Agreenium members have signed more than 1000 international partnership agreements with various institutions in 226 countries around the world.

In Europe

Agreements with 25 EU Member States, 80% of which have been signed under the ERASMUS programme, represent 40% of the overall total. 

Agreenium is accredited to deliver the PhD in the context of the ABIES doctoral school. Registration and follow-up of doctoral students are done through AgroParisTech.

For each of the members of Agreenium, specialized teams ensure the reception of students and the organization of student life. In addition to the infrastructure and services offered by the members, Agreenium doctoral students are supervised by the training cooperation team.


In France 

Agreenium sets up a pooled service to welcome foreign delegations, centralise and direct requests from foreign partners (expertise, exchanges, partnerships, etc.) or advise and support members’ missions abroad

The international project team watches out for cooperation, organisation and support opportunities for collective responses to calls for tender and thus manages the projects with or on behalf of its members.

Under the globalisation of agriculture-related issues

Agreenium participates within the French Commission for International Agricultural Research (CRAI) in discussions on the place held by the French approach in the global agriculture research system (GFAR - Global Forum on Agricultural Research; CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research). 

Agreenium is involved in preparing the international strategy for research, innovation and higher education (SIRIES 2017-2030) sponsored by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MENESR) and takes part in the harmonization of actions with the Ministry of International Development (MAEDI) on questions of scientific and academic cooperation and global issues.