
13 May 2020
Analysis of 65 years of work on the link between forests, deforestation and the emergence of infectious diseases
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The global Covid-19 pandemic highlights the importance of some previously understudied areas of science, such as the link between ecosystems, their biodiversity and the emergence of new infectious diseases. Indeed, humans are increasingly exploiting their environment and are therefore more exposed to certain micro-organisms hidden, which may increase the risk of new contaminations. Researchers from INRAE, CIRAD, IRD and the Institut Pasteur in French Guyana have just carried out a bibliometric synthesis analysis of a corpus of 565 publications, published between 1953 and 2018, on the links between forests, deforestation and emerging infectious diseases, in the journal Environmental Research Letters. They point to the fragility of knowledge on this major issue.

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Source : Cirad

Photo : ©Cirad

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