
29 Jun 2021
FAO webinar - Forest data and free open-source solutions for Climate Action
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[Webinar] Forest data and free open-source solutions for Climate Action - 07 July 2021, 14:30 – 16:00 

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This international technical webinar is part of the series organized by the FAO elearning Academy, Agreenium, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) and Future Food Institute (FFI).

The webinar “Forest data and free open-source solutions for Climate Action” will highlight the ways in which national forest monitoring systems (NFMS) support climate action, share experiences from Ghana and Papua New Guinea, and launch FAO’s newest, free, open-source tool created to support NFMS and other forest monitoring efforts. These themes will not only inform practitioners and other experts but may help guide countries in the process of designing or implementing NFMS.

A robust national forest monitoring system (NFMS) enables countries to align their forest policies with up-to-date, reliable, transparent and accessible information. NFMS knowledge and results support countries in their efforts to build confidence in climate actions and increase the effectiveness and transparency of those actions under the Paris Agreement. In this context, the ability to freely and easily access innovative and open-source tools and technologies becomes crucial for any country eager to efficiently formulate, implement and monitor forest-related policies and track progress towards sustainable forest management.

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