training courses

Descriptif de la formation

Crop-Livestock farming systems are a possible way of evolution of European agriculture. Indeed, we did the hypothesis that these mixed systems have many assets to solve environmental problems resulting from crop and livestock. For example, they can reduce dependence on external inputs through favored exchanges between productions, they are a source of bioenergy, they allow the agriculture to play an important role to mitigate the climate change through carbon sequestration and finally they gather favorable conditions for soil quality and biodiversity. We also did the hypothesis that these mixed systems will reinforce the competitiveness and the acceptability of the European agriculture because they match the expectations of the society for sustainable food systems and for new energy sources. Moreover, these MFS seemed to us well suited to a model of agriculture based on small farms capable of generating employment.

The module's objectives are :
- To define these systems
- To give some insights about the methodology for designing them
- To proceed to their in-depth assessment according to the three pillars of the sustainability
- To draw some recommendations for the policy-makers


CANTOGETHER will design, test and assess innovative mixed farming and territorial systems, based on the simultaneous utilization of crops and animals. CANTOGETHER will demonstrate the relevance of systems combining crops and animals to increase sustainability of farms and regions.

Career possibilities

At the end of the module, the listener will know what are the mixed or integrated crop-livestock farming systems and will be able to appreciate if these systems are a valuable way of evolution of the European agriculture.