Shared recruitment of international engineering students
Improve the internationalisation of the recruitment of foreign student engineers in higher agricultural education institutions in order to improve their competitiveness on the world stage and develop the attractiveness of the " made-in-France " engineering training model.
Country involved: Senegal

Main partners
Ministry of Agriculture and Food -DGER Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation French Embassy in Senegal
Main supports
The Republic of Senegal Campus France
Agreenium members involved
  • Agrocampus Ouest; AgroParisTech; AgroSup Dijon; Bordeaux Sciences Agro; ENGEES; Montpellier SupAgro; ONIRIS; Toulouse INP-ENSAT; VetAgro Sup; Université de Lorraine/Ensaia; Université de Lorraine/Enstib
Senegalese universities/schools involved
  • L'université Cheickh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD); l'université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (UGB); l'université et école polytechnique de Thiès
Current project news
The aim is to increase the recruitment of student engineers in Agreenium member higher education institutions in order to increase the rate of foreign student engineers in schools, i.e. a total flow of 300 to 400 students per year.
Expected achievements
Students must follow at least two years of training at the engineering school. First, it is a question of organizing a shared selection of student-engineers to allow experimental recruitment in the 2nd year on targeted student pools. In the medium term, two types of recruitment are envisaged: recruitment in the second year via an existing "DE" type procedure; recruitment in the first year of school, which requires the creation of a "BE competition".
Agreenium’s role
Implementation of the selection platform, coordination of the prefiguration mission, preparation of communication materials, communication campaign, organization of selection tests.
Project manager for Agreenium
Lynda Ihadjadene,  chargée de projet à l'international