UMR 1065 - Vineyard Health and Agroecology (SAVE)

The unit develops research mainly on the agro viticultural system with the aim of understanding the mechanisms underlying the establishment and development of harmful insect diseases and populations. The applied aim of SAVE's research is to develop integrated and sustainable protection of the vine, while drastically reducing the need for conventional chemical treatments. This aim is part of a framework of global changes, i.e. changes in viticultural practices, climate change, societal demand. Our objective involves the interaction of different disciplinary approaches and fields: interaction and community ecology, pathology, entomology, epidemiology, modelling of complex systems, population genetics and genomics.

Doctoral school(s)
DS 554 - Health environments
Co-accredited institutions : Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
DS 304 - Science and Environments
Co-accredited institutions : Université de Bordeaux