
27 Aug 2019
25 Moocs have been produced in the field of lifesciences
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The Mooc "abeilles et environnement" coordinated by Agreenium broke all records: out of the 13,000 registered, 20% followed the entire Mooc against an average of 7%...

As early as 2015, Agreenium participated in the creation of the Fun-Mooc "GIP" and joined for the collective of its members. 4 years later, 25 Moocs were produced, accompanied and/or coordinated by Agreenium and its members, bringing together more than 65,000 people.

Supported by a member of Agreenium, in collaboration with other schools and research institutes, in partnership with professional actors and companies, the Mooc is an open and free online course that brings together a wide audience around general public or specialised themes.

Among the most followed apart from the Mooc bees and environment which recorded more than 13 000 registrations, the Mooc Vines and Wine, the Mooc Bio and the Mooc Bees and environment... with more than 10 000 registrations at each session.

More information concerning all Moocs 

Check the Agreenium page on Fun-Mooc

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